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How long has Strategia Design been in business and why did you start it?

Strategia Design was founded in 2005. The philosophy behind Strategia Design was – and still is – to create a company with whom I would have liked to hire when I was purchasing creative services. For years as Director of Strategic Design at HEB Grocery and Ahold USA, I envisioned the ideal partner to work with, one with a balance and knowledge in both business and creative strategy. I wanted to work with a partner who understood and cared about my brand as well as I do.

Strategia Design holds true to that vision. My passion is helping clients bring their innovative brand to market with speed, clarity, and authenticity.

Who are the clients or types of companies that you work with exactly?

We know that branding is universal and is of great importance to both service and product companies alike. The types of companies we service include:

Retailers: Grocery, Convenience Stores, Mass Merchants, Drug and specialty channels.

Manufacturers/Distributors: Companies who deliver products and services for both retail and food service.

Consumer Product Goods: Food, Dry Grocery, Beverage, Perishable, Deli, General Merchandise, Over-the-Counter Drug, Pet, Paper Goods, Health and Beauty, Natural Foods, Hard Goods and more.

Though the core of our business is focused around consumer products, we have worked and continue to work with other types of businesses to build their brands.

Professional service firms: Wealth Management, Financial Services, Attorneys, IT firms, Personal Trainers, Interior Designers, Venture Capitalists, Government Contractors, Non-profits.

What happens if you have not worked with my industry or product?

Chances are good that we have worked with your industry already. Yet, while we have worked with many products and industries, of course we haven’t worked with every type. That said, we believe that good branding and messaging is universal and necessary across all industries. If we are not as familiar with your market or space as we would like to be, we will research, audit and study the market to see where the gaps are and where the opportunities are.

For many, this provides a fresh perspective and a new way of looking at their business, resulting in the best outcome for our clients.

I already have a brand and logo I love. I just need other marketing materials and/or packaging to complete my line. Can I work with you?

Yes. Our role is not to recreate or change what you’ve already done but to help you grow and expand to bring your product or service to market so you can help others. We firmly believe that you are the experts in your field, and we respect the knowledge, experience and background you bring to the table.

We will work with your existing or newly developed brand to create the materials you need to take your business to the next level. We will help guide you in your brand journey.

How are you different from other firms?

Great question! We are one of the only firms that bring in-house experience from both a corporate and entrepreneurial perspective to branding, particularly as related to retail. We understand the language of big business and combine it with the beauty and creativity of design.

We are human. We laugh and work really hard. We are direct, honest, transparent and wickedly talented.

We listen to our clients and know that our goal is to serve your best interest and growth — first and foremost. We are awesome designers, but we are more than a design firm. We specialize in speed-to-market, cost efficiency and do it all with authenticity and integrity.

What types of services do you provide?

Our main focus is to partner with our clients so they succeed in bringing their product or service to market effectively, efficiently and with clarity.

To make this happen, we provide business strategy along side of traditional branding and design services such as:

  • Strategy Creation
  • Category Audits
  • Name Development
  • Creative Development and Design
  • Art Production
  • Art Direction
  • Print Management

To learn more about our unique process and approach to helping clients make their vision a reality, we have created the 8 critical steps proprietary process known as the Strategia Success System™.

What is the Strategia Success System™?

The Strategia Success System™ takes you through the 8 critical steps you need to successfully get your product or service to market, to reach your maximum number of potential clients and consumers, and ultimately, to make more money.

Do I have to do all 8 critical steps of the Strategia Success System™ with you?

We find, in talking to clients, that they may have already completed or are already in-process with one or more steps. So they might only need for us to work with them on a few steps. We are happy to focus on the steps that you feel you need the most work on, but we will discuss each step with you to make sure you have everything covered to ensure success.

Does your Strategia Success System™ really work?

Yes it does. After working with many, many clients, we have proven it works – again and again. Although we are just now bringing the Strategia Success System™ to market in a form that you can access, we have been taking our clients through this process step-by-step and working with them to reach the milestones they’ve envisioned.

That said, like any other process, you must do the work, implement the steps, and stay committed in order to achieve full success.

What types of personality do you work best with, and what is expected of me?

Our goal is your success. We work best with people that are direct, honest and as committed to their success as we are. We don’t ‘beat around the bush’ and can sometimes ruffle some feathers (nicely of course). But we can take it as well.

We check our egos at the door and ask that the people we work with to put as much effort into giving proper direction as we do in making their work shine.

What results can I expect?

You can expect to:

  • Create a plan that you understand and that you can implement
  • Find the “true value” of your brand and understand what the opportunity gaps are in the market and where you fit in
  • Make your brand stand out in your industry to buyers and consumers
  • Work efficiently to grow your business
  • Work with a partner in your success – one that will understand your goals and help you achieve them step by step
  • Have a results-oriented approach to bringing your product or service to market
  • Work with a professional and talented team who will give you strategic ideas, processes and techniques you will learn from
  • Have a successful product launch with a plan to continue the upward growth

How will I determine my ROI?

Your return on investment is driven by you. First you must determine the metrics. What do you wish to measure? Brand penetration, market share, increased revenue? Brands and product launches take time to infiltrate the community. Our process can help accelerate timelines. We will work with you to ensure your ROI goals are being achieved by creating plans that are targeted and focused.

Can you tell me a little more about the Strategia Success System™ and what does it include?

The Strategia Success System™ is a path to develop and bring products and services to market quickly, efficiently, and with clarity and authenticity.

  • Step 1 focuses on finding the opportunity gap, and identifying your competition, unique features, benefits and offerings. It is a chance to look with eyes wide open at the market and find your place. Step one creates content and delivers findings on the landscape, the gaps and the opportunities.
  • Step 2 works on developing the plan. There can be a few concurrently running plans for branding, product development, financial investment, etc. But, there really needs to be a plan. Many people have created companies and launched them off the side of their desks — but those often they take longer and cost more money. A detailed plan gives you the road map you need to increase your speed to market, and succeed.
  • Step 3 is all about building your team and finding good partners. Whoever said you could go it alone was all wrong. It takes longer, is more expensive, and frankly, it is not fun. Building a business and launching a product should be exciting and yes, fun. Good partners add fresh perspectives and advice critical to success and helps fill in the blanks. You will do your best when you are working in your area of strength and not doing those things that won’t bring you money and advance your business. Let your partners help you build your business. You have our permission.
  • Step 4 is about creating a brand that speaks to the consumer. Have you found your WHY? Do you know what value and benefit you are truly bringing to the market? Does your brand speak to you, and does it resonate with your target consumer? These are very important questions that must be asked and answered in the branding phase. Remember, the brand is about you and your product or service and how it speaks to the market. Some of the information collected in Step one will help craft your brand message and keep you on target.
  • Step 5 is about marketing. Marketing is how you get people to know you exist. Branding and marketing are different and must be treated as separate stages in the development process. Marketing is focused on utilizing push and pull strategies to get the right clients and consumers to know you are there to help them, bring them great products, and improve their lives.
  • Step 6 builds on marketing by focusing on increasing exposure. Speaking engagements, networking, articles about you or written by you to grow your recognition and exposure in the market and make you top of mind. This is not the time to be shy – it’s your time to be bold and shine.
  • Step 7 is about PR – Public Relations. I’ve seen many companies struggle to get off the ground, not because they didn’t have an amazing offering but because they didn’t have well planned, timely PR. PR is the fastest way to get exposure and return on your marketing efforts. It is well worth the investment.
  • Step 8 is about knowledge, analytics, and a realistic understanding as to what it costs you to run your business now and what it will cost you to grow your business in the future. I have witnessed many companies “pop the champagne” because they landed the big account only to see them close their doors a year later because they grew too fast and didn’t understand the financial strain involved. This concerns me to no end, and as a result, we have added activity based costing in as the last, most important step to creating a growing and thriving business.

Will I be working directly with you, Deborah Ginsburg?

Yes, you will be working with me, but more importantly, you get to work with my very talented staff. As the CEO and Chief Strategist, I will be involved with your strategy and creative. Our creative directors are also involved in our process. You will be given a project manager as your point of contact for your project and your day-to-day interactions.

Can I contact some of your clients for a reference?

Absolutely. We encourage you to look at our testimonials on our site and read their stories. If you feel you would benefit from more information from a former or current client, you can contact them directly and learn how we helped drive their product and get them to market.

I am ready to engage your services! How do I get started?

Great! We are so excited to get to know you better. As a first step, we’d like to set up a “Get Acquainted Call.” On our call, we will do a needs assessment to determine how we can best help you. Once we determine your needs, we will present you with a proposal. Once you have reviewed the proposal and signed, we will take payment and get started. We look forward to working with you to help bring your product or service to market!